Interpreting Services
The practice believes that everyone should have equal access to our services, including those whose first language is not English. The practice provides comprehensive and professional interpreting services either over the phone or in person, including British Sign Language support. If you or members of your family or a friend need this service then please let our reception team know and they will be able to make the necessary arrangements for you.
Useful Contacts
Pontefract General Infirmary |
0844 811 8110 |
Pinderfields General Hospital |
Dewsbury Hospital |
Barnsley Hospital |
01226 730000 |
Wakefield NHS Walk-in Centre - King Street |
0845 1211023 |
Prince of Wales Hospice |
01977 708868 |
NHS 111 |
111 |
District Nurses - Single Point Contact |
01924 327591 |
Health Visitors |
01924 310130 |
Social Care Direct |
0845 8503503 |
Carers Direct |
0808 802 0202 |
Care Quality Commission |
0300 061 6161 |
Cohen's Pharmacy
01977 624280 |
Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership |
01924 213050 |
West Yorkshire Central Services Agency |
0113 295 2596 |
West Yorkshire Police - Non Emergencies |
101 |
We are committed to Wakefield’s 'Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme' and will support any woman who wishes to breastfeed their child whilst visiting the surgery. We want parents and families to feel supported to feed their babies and confident to carry on breastfeeding for as long as they choose to do so. Mothers visiting the surgery are welcomed to breastfeed their children in a welcoming and supportive environment.
Breastfeeding is welcomed in our waiting rooms and consultation rooms; however, if you prefer to feed your child in a private room, please do not hesitate to speak to one of our reception team.
Breastfeeding is the foundation of good nutrition and protects children against disease; it also supports healthy brain development. It contributes to reductions in infant mortality and increases a child’s chance of the best start in life and, in turn, leading to a future healthy life. Breastfeeding is also associated with the development of healthy attachment relationships between mothers and babies and therefore improved long term emotional and mental well-being, social development and ‘school-readiness’.
For mothers, the benefits of breastfeeding include:
- A reduction in the risk of developing breast/ovarian cancers
- A reduction in the risk of developing post-natal depression
- A return to pre-pregnancy weight more quickly
No other health behaviour has such a broad-spectrum and long-lasting impact on public health.
Mothers have the legal right to breastfeed anywhere (2010 Equality Act) but many do not feel confident in doing so. If you want to find somewhere to feed your baby that provides a welcoming atmosphere then look out for the breastfeeding friendly sticker in cafes, restaurants, GP surgeries, libraries, schools, community centres and many more.
We proudly display the 'Breastfeeding Friendly' sticker/logo across all three of our sites, and all of our members of staff have completed the relevant 'Breastfeeding Awareness' training.
Free breastfeeding support and information is available for families living in Wakefield. Please contact Families and Babies on 01924 851901, 24 hours a day, or visit their website or Facebook page.
Baby Changing Facilities
Baby changing facilities are available at all three surgery sites.
Other Information
Breatfeeding Facilities
We are committed to 'Wakefield's Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme' so if you require breastfeeding facilities whilst visiting any of our surgery sites please ask at reception.
Disabled Access
Patient and public areas and toilet facilities are situated at ground level at all three surgery sites, therefore providing suitable disabled access. There is also a lift at The Grange Medical Centre main building and Kinsley Medical Centre to enable disabled patients access to the first floor areas should this be required.
We have patient car parks available at all three of our surgery sites, with designated spaces for disabled parking. The Hemsworth site can, on occasions, be extremely busy, and therefore we kindly ask that the car park be used only if necessary, in order to avoid congestion and to allow ambulance access when required.
There is ample local free parking in Hemsworth, and we would therefore ask anyone who is able to, to park locally and walk to the surgery, thereby leaving the car park for those patients with reduced and/or limited mobility. Your cooperation in helping to keep our car parks safe for both our staff and patients is very much appreciated.
As a surgery we pride ourselves on being Dementia Friendly, and we have a dedicated Dementia Champion. Being Dementia Friendly means focusing on improving inclusion and quality of life for people with dementia.
People living with dementia can find it difficult to understand signage and may require additional help to find their way. We have therefore made some small changes to the insides of our surgery buildings which we hope will help to improve the patient experience for people with dementia.
We understand that small changes can have a big impact on improving accessibility, and therefore we have erected dementia friendly signs around the waiting areas, including the toilets, and we also have a dementia friendly clock in each of the waiting rooms.
We understand that communication and understanding is often an issue for patients living with dementia, so we would encourage these patients or their relatives/carers to request a double appointment when contacting the surgery to book an appointment. We understand that giving patients this extra time may enable a better, more productive consultation.
If you would like to discuss your concerns then please do not hesitate to contact the surgery.
As a practice, we are committed to providing help and support to all current and ex-forces service personnel. This enables veterans to receive the appropriate support when needed. If you are current or ex-forces then please let us know so that we can add this information to your medical record.
No Smoking Policy
The practice operates a no smoking policy; we kindly ask patients to refrain from smoking in practice buildings and within the grounds. The use of e-cigarettes is also forbidden.
Useful Information
Do's and Don'ts For a Healthy Lifestyle
- Do stop smoking
- Don't start smoking and advise your children not to start
- Do cut down on excess calories where possible
- Don't eat foods with a high fat content
- Do eat foods with a high fibre content
- Don't forget to keep immunisations up to date
- Do exercise regularly
- Don't let stress and anxiety build up - learn about relaxation techniques
- Do remember we are here to help you stay healthy. Our practice nurses are able to offer advice and help you in becoming healthy and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, eg dietary advice, help with stopping smoking, immunisations and well person checks
First Aid
Burns And Scalds
- Do place the burnt area under cold running water for at least 10 minutes
- Do cover the area with a clean dry towel
- Do seek medical advice either in casualty or from your GP if you are worried
- Do not put oil or cream on the burn
- Do not prick blisters
- Do use firm pressure with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops
- Do raise the limb
- Do seek medical advice either in casualty or from your GP if you are worried
- Do dial 999 for heavy bleeding
- Do tell the doctor when your last tetanus was
- Do not use a tourniquet
- Do not give the patient anything by mouth
- Do not panic
- Do not try to retrieve the object from the throat
- Do turn young children upside down and hit them firmly between the shoulder blades or give a short squeeze on the tummy
- Do several sharp squeezes in an adult, standing behind them and holding them in a hug
- Do seek medical advice by dialling 999 if none of the above works
Sit in a chair leaning forwards with your mouth open and pinch the nose just below the bone for 10 minutes. Avoid hot drinks and hot food for 24 hours.
If symptoms persist consult your doctor.
Sprains, Strains And Torn Muscles
Remember RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).
Rest - especially if a weight bearing part such as the knee or ankle.
Ice - immediately, less useful as the hours pass. A bag of frozen peas moulds well to the injured part.
Compression - a firm (not too tight) supporting bandage.
Elevation - especially for leg injuries.
When the injury is over 24 hours old, warmth is better than cold. As the injury improves, gentle, non-weight bearing, loosening exercises will help. Allow full recovery before gradually returning to normal activities.
Everyone should avoid sunburn and, if prone to sunburn, wear loose fitting clothing in the sun - this is particularly important in relation to babies and children. If sunbathing, always use a sunscreen of the correct sun protection factor, re-applying at least every two hours. Be particularly careful to pay attention to sensitive areas like lips, nose, eyelids, shoulders, nipples, ears and legs. Avoid sunbathing when the sun is particularly intense eg late morning, early afternoon.
Tan gradually - don’t rush it and never stay in the sun until your skin goes red.
Insect Bites And Stings
Antihistamine tablets may be obtained from the chemist without prescription and will usually relieve most symptoms. Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream may also help. Note: bee stings should be scraped away rather than “plucked” in order to avoid squeezing the contents of the venom sac into the wound.
The Child With A Temperature
We are aware of how worrying it can be to have a sick child. If you are concerned about your child we will always see them the same day at the surgery. We do ask that you bring your child to the surgery rather than requesting a home visit. If wrapped up well a child will come to no harm being brought to the surgery and can usually be seen sooner. Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
It is always wise to keep a supply of children’s paracetamol (Calpol or Disprol) at home. Paracetamol reduces a child’s temperature. Sometimes feverish children may not be able to keep the medicine down and it is useful to have some paracetamol suppositories (Alvedon) available; do ask your doctor about this. In most minor illnesses in childhood this is the only treatment required. However, if you are worried about the child or if the child fails to improve in two or three days, it is worth bringing them to the surgery for a check.
Advice to patients
The security of email
There are a number of potential risks when using email of which users should be aware.
- Email has been likened to sending a post card. Our advice is do not put anything in an email if you are concerned about someone else seeing it.
- There is no guarantee of delivery, or delivery time, when using email so do not use it in cases of emergency.
- It is your responsibility to follow up with the Practice if you have not received a response to your email within a reasonable period of time.
- If you have asked the Practice to communicate with you via email it is your responsibility to advise the Practice of any change of email address. You may withdraw your consent for the Practice to communicate with you via email at any time.
- You should be aware that if you share your computer it may be possible for other people to be able to see emails you have sent or sites you have visited on the Internet, as your computer keeps a record of these.
- To protect against viruses and SPAM we ask that attachments are not included within emails to the practice, unless the recipient has arranged this and is expecting to receive one. If we suspect your email contains these, we may delete it without opening to prevent a virus accessing our systems.
The Practice has a generic email account: