Gastroenterology and Direct Access Endoscopy Procedures
Please note during the current covid-19 pandemic some changes have been made to the information below but staff will keep you informed.
Gastroenterology Outpatient
Patients are usually referred to a gastroenterologist by a primary care doctor. You should see a gastroenterologist as an outpatient if you have any symptoms of a digestive health disorder or if you need a colon cancer screening. This appointment may be face to face or via a telephone or video consultation dependant on clinical needs.
Direct Referral for an Endoscopy Procedure
Many patients are referred directly to our endoscopy suite for a diagnostic procedure. This is done as a day-case procedure in our endoscopy suite. This means you will not be required to stay overnight.
A Gastroscopy is an outpatient procedure used to examine a person's digestive tract. During an upper endoscopy, an endoscope is easily passed through the mouth and throat and into the oesophagus, allowing the doctor to view the oesophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine. A small biopsy or a CLO test may be taken during the procedure.
A Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure in which the inside of the large intestine (colon and rectum) is examined. A colonoscopy is commonly used to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms, such as rectal and intestinal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits. A small biopsy may be taken during the procedure. If you need a colonoscopy, you will see a consultant first.
A Flexible sigmoidoscopy is a outpatient procedure used to investigate problems with your lower bowel or rectum, including pain, bleeding or inflammation. A sigmoidoscopy can also be used to diagnose bowel cancer, or to remove non-cancerous growths, called polyps, from your bowel. A small biopsy may be taken during the procedure and if you have a small polyp, this may also be removed during the procedure.
About the service
Our NHS outpatient gastroenterology surgery is performed by 3 consultants supported by a dedicated nursing team.
Our Endoscopy procedures are performed by one of our team of 11 consultants supported by a team of nursing staff.
Before your Gastroenterology Appointment
On being referred to us for the gastroenterology service you will be able to book your own appointment online using information provided by your referring clinician.
At your initial consultation you will be assessed by either Dr Anu Agrawal (Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician), Dr Kapil Kapur (Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician) or Dr Sampath Kumar (Consultant Gastroenterologist).
You can ask any questions around your care during this appointment. Your initial appointment includes a full assessment and may include an intimate examination. Your appointment takes approximately 15 minutes.
You may be required to have further investigations which the consultant will discuss with you. If an endoscopy procedure is required this will be discussed in detail and if bowel preparation is required this will also be discussed in detail.
Before an Endoscopy Procedure Appointment
Your appointment will be booked either when you have your gastroenterology outpatient appointment or our administration department will contact you and arrange a suitable appointment date with you. Any bowel preparation medications if required will be handed or posted out to you in plenty of time for your appointment.
One of our nursing team will also contact you by ‘phone prior to your appointment date to ensure you have a full understanding of the procedure and what to do to prepare for it. This is an important telephone appointment and may come from a number that is withheld or unknown to you.
Preparation may include for example a period of fasting, changing your usual medication regime, following a low residue diet and /or taking a bowel preparation. The Clinician will also discuss aftercare arrangements with you and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Your procedure will be performed by one of team of consultants in our endoscopy suite.
On arrival you will be received by our nursing staff who will support you through our pre-admission process. The nursing staff will take your blood pressure and do vital observations and answer any questions you may have.
You will then be seen by the consultant and you can again ask any further questions you may have related to the procedure. The consultant will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure and once you are happy to proceed, you will sign the consent form with the consultant.
If you are required to change clothing you will have been notified in the appointment letter – please check this and bring along your dressing gown if it is noted. Don’t worry if you forget, we will ensure your privacy and dignity throughout your care with us.
You will then be taken to the endoscopy procedure room for the procedure which usually takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on which procedure you are having. The clinical staff will be with you and they will talk and support you throughout your care with us.
After the procedure you will be moved to the recovery area where nursing staff will monitor your recovery, offer a drink and a biscuit and once you are recovered, they will arrange your safe discharge. The consultant will also be available for further discussion at this point.
At discharge you will be given post procedure instructions regarding after care advice. If a diagnosis has been made, you will be given supporting written information on this. You will also be given a copy of your endoscopy report and a second copy to hand or post to your own GP. A contact number is also provided for you if you have any concerns.
If you do have any concerns or problems after the procedure please contact the secondary care administration department and speak to a member of our admin or healthcare team so that arrangements can be made for you to be seen. Contact details are on the discharge paperwork.
You may be seen at The Grange Medical Centre by a consultant for further follow up outpatient care if required. This will be made clear to you at the point of discharge on the day of the procedure.
Problems following discharge:
If you have any problems following discharge, during the endoscopy clinic hours only, you may contact the Endoscopy team on 07780 476809.
Outside these clinic hours please contact NHS 111 who will be able to advise you.
When to seek help / advice
If you develop any of the following symptoms after discharge you should seek urgent advice through NHS111 or attend A&E:
- Severe abdominal pain
- Passing large amounts of blood from your back passage or if your motions turn black
- High temperature (38 degrees or above) / symptoms of a fever
Accessible information
If you need information in a different format or have specific visual, hearing or other communication needs when you attend our service, please ring the secondary care administration department on 01977 624270 to let us know.
With a view to allowing as much access as possible for disabled or less able patients , please consider parking nearby in one of the local, free car parks and not use the onsite carpark. Thank you for your co-operation.
Finding us
Please follow this link to find us and obtain a route map. Once on site, please follow the signs for the Endsocopy Suite which takes you around and behind the main surgery building. Further signs will direct you to the endoscopy suite located down several steps – please use the disabled lift if required.