Patient Reference Group
In April 2011, the practice set up a Patient Reference Group. We have had members come and go over the years for many different reasons, and while we now have a small, friendly and incredibly supportive group of patients, we are always looking for new members to offer their own unique insight into the surgery and to share their own perspective and experiences on the services that we provide to our patients. The patient group also helps to improve communication, encourages patients to take more responsibility for their health and well-being, and helps to provide practical support and help to implement change within the practice.
Information relating to the group can be found in folders located in each of the waiting areas at each surgery site, giving details of when meetings are held, minutes of meetings and how to join the group. Meetings are held approximately every 6 to 8 weeks, and new members are welcome to join the group at any time. Please leave your name and contact details at reception and we will be in touch or, alternatively, please call 01977 610009 and press option 2.
Meeting Minutes
Patient Reference Group Minutes of Meetings
View the PPG Minutes Archive