What is a conflict of interest?
A ‘conflict of interest’ is:
“A set of circumstances by which a reasonable person would consider that an individual’s ability to apply judgement or act, in the context of delivering, commissioning, or assuring taxpayer funded health and care services is, or could be, impaired or influenced by another interest they hold.”
A conflict of interest may be:
- Actual - there is a material conflict between one or more interests
- Potential – there is the possibility of a material conflict between one or more interests in the future
Why is it important to manage conflicts of interest?
The practice is committed to ensuring that all of our business and activities are conducted in an honest and ethical manner taking a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our dealings and relationships wherever we operate, and implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.
Providing best value for taxpayers and ensuring that decisions are taken transparently and clearly, are both key principles in the NHS Constitution. We are committed to maximising our resources for the benefit of the whole community. As an organisation and as individuals, we have a duty to ensure that all our dealings are conducted to the highest standards of integrity and that NHS monies are used wisely so that we are using our finite resources in the best interests of patients.
How do we manage conflicts of interest?
The Grange, Greenview & Kinsley Medical Centres take its responsibility to manage conflicts of interest seriously and has a Conflict of Interest Policy (DOCX, 59KB).
Who does the policy apply to?
This policy applies to all healthcare professionals and staff working for the practice involved in caring for patients. This policy is applicable to individuals who may work on a temporary or sub-contracted basis with the practice.
Common types of conflicts of interest
The most common types of conflicts of interest include:
- Gifts
- Hospitality
- Outside Employment
What happens when a conflict of interest is identified?
When a conflict of interest is identified it should always be disclosed, as openness and transparency allows for conflicts and potential conflicts of interest to be assessed and managed. This includes publishing all conflicts of interest on a Template of Interests 2023 (Date of publication is February 2022 to April 2023) (XSLX, 13KB).
In most instances the individual with a conflict of interest will be removed from decision making on that particular issue. In the rare instance that this is not possible, the risk of improper or undue influence will be risk assessed carefully. This includes documenting how the conflict of interest has been assessed, controlled and managed.