Avoid paper Repeat Prescription requests
Use NHS App as preferred fastest option.
If not possible, email request to: wyicb-wak.grangeprescriptions@nhs.net
Please only drop requests through letterbox if you lack internet access.
To avoid safety errors, we do not accept prescription requests over the phone.
Download the NHS App
View or request prescriptions in your NHS App
The practice operates a repeat prescription service for all patients who are on repeat medication.
To order your repeat prescription you can do any of the following;
- Online prescription request via this website
Click here to login to systmonline
A user name and password is required for this option, please see further down the page for how to use this service.
- Email request via the designated prescription email address - wyicb-wak.grangeprescriptions@nhs.net - please give the full name of the patient, date of birth, full details of the medication required and the strength
- You can use the right hand side of your previous computer prescription as a request form to be handed in at any of our receptions.
- You may also use a practice repeat prescription request form which are available at the reception desks at each surgery site.
Once completed these paper requests can be posted into the repeat prescription box, again located at reception desks at each surgery site.
Want to order your repeat prescription online?
We now have the facility for you to order your repeat prescription online. To do this you will need a unique user name and password.
Please click here to download forms to apply for your secure online user name and password.
You will be given a secure user name and password to access your details through this website and will then be able to order your prescription without ringing or calling in to see us.
Please allow 72 hours (three full working days) to process all repeat prescription requests. This enables us to check, record, issue and sign the prescription, and to discuss any queries with the relevant Clinician if required. We get several hundred requests a day so please allow us this time. Please ensure that you do not run out of medication before ordering your repeat prescription.
All repeat prescriptions have a review date - this will be shown on your repeat prescription slip or indicated when you try to order online. If this date has expired, it will be necessary to have your medication reviewed before you can re-order it.
It is important to remember that even if you have been on the same medication for some time, changes can still take place which can reduce its effectiveness. For instance, you may have another medicine prescribed to you, in which case you need to be sure that both medicines are working well for you when used together. You may start taking new supplements, develop other conditions, require antibiotics, or start noticing possible side-effects. By keeping your medication regularly updated and reviewed, you can be sure that your medications are working as they should be. In some cases, it may be that you no longer need to take your medication, or it could be necessary to reduce or increase the prescribed dosage.
During your review, you will need to discuss all of your current medication as well as any supplements you may be taking. The appointment is also your opportunity to voice any concerns – from side-effects or reduced efficacy, to trouble swallowing your tablets – or to let your GP know that things are going well. It is important to be honest when reviewing your medication, so that the Clinician is given a clear picture of how well the medication is working for you.
Please note we also now offer an electronic prescription service. If you currently collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP, you will not have to visit your GP Practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, we can send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time. You will have more choice about where to get your medication from because it can be collected from a pharmacy near where you live, work or shop. You may also not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be more time for your repeat prescriptions to be prepared before you arrive.
Click here for more detailed information and a nomination form to use this service (PDF, 92KB).
We hope to extend our online services in the future so please watch this space!
Nominated pharmacies
We are asking all of our patients to nominate a pharmacy to which they would like their prescriptions sent. This is not just for patients who receive repeat medication, but also for patients who require ad hoc prescriptions, as it means that the prescription can be sent electronically to that pharmacy without the need to print off a paper copy. This is a much more reliable and cost-effective service for our patients.
Your nominated pharmacy does not need to be local to your surgery. It can be near to where you live, work or shop, and can also be out of the Wakefield area if this is more convenient for you.
When you attend a consultation and are prescribed medication, the Clinician will electronically send your prescription to the pharmacy rather than printing it out and handing you a copy. The transfer of information from the GP to the pharmacy is immediate, and you will be able to pick up your prescription after your appointment without any delay. In some cases your prescription may even be ready for you to collect when you arrive at the pharmacy.
In order to nominate your pharmacy please speak to a member of our reception team, or to one of the clinical staff during your next consultation, thank-you.